Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9.00 am to 4.30 pm)

Safeguarding Program

Parish Safeguarding Program

The Safeguarding Program is child-focused and informed by the fundamental belief that children have the right to physical and psychological safety at all times and we, the Catholic Parishes of Geraldton, must play our part in protecting all children and vulnerable individuals.

The aim of the Parish Safeguarding Program is to raise awareness of our collective responsibility to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of children, young people and vulnerable individuals. The Geraldton Catholic Parishes have established the safeguarding program in line with the policies, procedures and protocols implemented by the Diocese of Geraldton.  

Safeguarding Officers in Every Parish

Phone to contact Safeguarding Officer

0470 207 707

One of the main activities of the program is where possible, the appointment of two Safeguarding Officers within each parish in the Diocese. These officers will be provided with ongoing support and training and will be responsible for the implementation of policies and procedures, together with proactive measures within their individual parishes. 

The Catholic Parishes of Geraldton has Safeguarding Officers appointed and provided with a 24 hr dedicated phone number for them. So that people with safeguarding concern can call and talk to them confidentially and the safeguarding officers will assist them to be in touch with the concerned authority.

All Church workers are required to complete this induction program.

Our Parish Safeguarding Officers

Amy Zinetti


Simon Place

Rosemary Taylor

Melinda Jupp

Ron Pace

Leonie Golding

Diocesan Contact

Jacqui Correy
 Director of Safeguarding 
 PO Box 46 Geraldton WA 6531
 Phone: (08) 9921 3221    

Diocesan Commitment

The Diocese of Geraldton is committed to providing safe and secure environments for all its members, leaders, and especially its children, young people and vulnerable individuals. 

The right of children to be safe is paramount and will drive the operations of this program and will guide the development of robust policies, procedures and frameworks with continuous improvement that relate to child protection. 

The Safeguarding Program will provide parishes with polices, procedures and guidelines for staff and volunteers which reinforce attitudes and behaviours that value children and young people, and promote a culture that is committed to the wellbeing and safety of children.  It will provide ongoing collaboration, training, information sharing and the review of policies and procedures to encourage a culture of best practice. 

More details and safeguarding resources are available on the diocesan website which is accessible via

All staff, clergy, Church workers and volunteers (paid or unpaid) are responsible for the care, safety and protection of children within the Diocese of Geraldton. This responsibility will extend to the identification and the timely response to concerns regarding possible sexual and physical abuse and/or neglect of a child. 

The Diocese recognises that all childen are vulnerable. The core belief of the Catholic Church challenges us to care for all those who are in need of care and protection.

Roles and Responsibilities of Parish Safeguarding Officers

The role of Safeguarding Officers is key to ensuring that parishes meet the Diocese of Geraldton’s safeguarding responsibilities in all aspects of service that they undertake and will be required to:

  • be a source of support, advice and information on all matters of safeguarding children and vulnerable individuals in the parish.
  • be the first point of contact for children, vulnerable individuals and other members of the parish community regarding suspicions of abuse and other safeguarding concerns.
  • respond to all safeguarding concerns in line with the Diocese’s Safeguarding Policy and Procedures Manual, reporting these concerns to the Director of Safeguarding and/or other authorities, as needed.
  • keep the Director of Safeguarding informed of all concerns, responses and activities relating to safeguarding children and vulnerable individuals of the parish community. When applicable, the parish will be informed.
  • raise the profile of safeguarding in the parish, ensuring that it remains a high priority, and report on any issues or concerns with the implementation of the safeguarding policy and procedures.
  • assist with proactive measures within parishes to safeguard children.
  • ensure all Church workers (paid and unpaid) who are in child-related work have been provided with up to date safeguarding policies and procedures in place. 
  • ensure all statutory requirements are met within parishes in respect to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable individuals.
For Abuse Complaints Against Catholic Church

WA Professional Standards Office-WAPSO

If you need to report a concern about a matter pertaining to a Catholic entity, whether it be a diocese or a religious institute, you can contact:

The responsible Church Authority/entity directly OR The WA Professional Standards Office (WAPSO)

Director: Mrs Saxon Gee

Address: 29 Victoria Square, Perth, WA 6000

Phone: 08 9221 7762 | 1800 072 390


Please visit for more information.