Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9.00 am to 4.30 pm)


“The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.” (CCC 1601)

What is Marriage?

Marriage is both a personal relationship between a man a woman, and the protective institution for their children. This protective role for children is at the core of marriage. When this protective role is lost or diminished, children suffer.

Marriage permanently links the male into the mother-child bond. The obligation between husband and wife in part follow from those that arise between parent and child. Mothers and fathers each bring unique qualities to their relationship with their child. These distinct qualities help a child grow to a resilient adult.

Marriage and the State

The state did not create marriage, but it has a role in recognising and supporting marriage because of the need to protect children. Society has an interest in ensuring that marriage -the relationship for the creating and the rearing of children – is defined and protected. Otherwise, it would have no interest in marriage. This is why other affectionate relationships, such as friendships, are not regulated by the state; nor should the State have anything to do with them, as these are private matters.

(c) Australian Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life (BCPL)

Are you planning to get married in the Catholic Church?

This decision is one of the most important steps you will take in your whole life. You are making a solemn, sacred and public commitment to each other. For this reason, the Church community asks you to deepen your awareness and understanding of what it means to be married and how best you can prepare for a happy life-giving marriage. This information has been prepared to assist you to understand what is required of you, if you wish to be married in the Church.

General requirements

One person is required to be a baptised catholic for the marriage to be celebrated in the Catholic Church. Both parties need to be free to marry in the Catholic Church, that is, there has been no previous marriage. If there has been a previous marriage, people are asked to speak with one of the priests in the parish before making any arrangements.


Marriage papers will be prepared by the Priest at least Six months before the wedding date. He will need to sight both your Birth and Baptismal Certificates and will require your FATHER’S NAME (in full) and your MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME (in full).

When you meet with the Priest, you will fill in the necessary Church and Civil papers.

Formal Preparation

This preparation for your marriage is as important as any other preparation. The Catholic Church has always seen the need for a couple planning to marry to have a time to reflect on and prepare for their marriage. It is also a requirement by the Civil (Government) Authorities. To assist you we offer an opportunity to experience the support and wisdom of our married couples in the Church Community.

Marriage Preparation Courses

CENTACARE Geraldton provides Marriage Preparation Courses. The Parish Office can give you details of the times or you can contact Centacare Geraldton directly on 08 9921 1433 for more details.

The Priest will take you through the sacramental preparation of your marriage to deepen understanding being married in the church. He will assist you in the preparation of the Wedding Service which will be either a Nuptial Mass or simply the Wedding Ceremony. The priest is happy to discuss either option with you.

 The Wedding Service

  1. The Ceremony: You will be asked to select Scripture passages, prayers, the vows and blessings to personalise your Service. Your Priest will assist you. Arrange for members of your families or friends to be readers during the Service.
  1. Music: In choosing music for your wedding, we advise it must be either Sacred Music composed for use in Church, or popular music which speaks directly of the Christian Dimension of love, provided it is used at an appropriate time within the Service.

Popular music which refers ONLY to the physical and emotional dimensions of love is inappropriate for your Wedding Service and is best reserved for the wedding reception. Your selection of music should be referred to the Priest before the final decision is made.

Copyright: If you reproduce the songs with words, then you will have to obtain the copyright from the concerned agencies.

  1. Musicians: It will be necessary for you to make your own arrangements for organist, instrumental and/or vocal. 


Please inform the Priest prior to the flower arrangements. Where more than one wedding is scheduled for a weekend, it is recommended that you contact the other party with the view of sharing the flowers and thus the cost.  Your Priest can help you in this regard. Flower arrangements time must be booked with the parish office.


ONE PHOTOGRAPHER is permitted to record the SERVICE. Please request that he/she contact the Celebrant prior to the Service to arrange an appropriate position that will not detract from the sacredness of the Wedding Service. THE SAME APPLIES FOR THE VIDEOGRAPHER as well.


We do not allow CONFETTI, RICE or OTHER SUCH THINGS to be used in the Church or the grounds.


Often there is more than one wedding on the same day. Please be sensitive to this. We wish to avoid unpleasantness caused for all when there is unnecessary delay.

Marriage Donation

A donation involved and use of the Church and the other facilities. It has to be paid at the Parish Office prior to the wedding.


Please arrange a practice of the Wedding Service with your Priest. This usually takes place on the evening before your wedding day.

Looking for more information or arrangements?

If you want to find out more about how we can support you in married life, or discuss your plans to be married in the Catholic Church to get in touch with our Parish Office to help with your query.