Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9.00 am to 4.30 pm)


“At the conclusion of Jesus’ earthly ministry, he promised his followers that he would send them the gift of the Holy Spirit who would help them to live as he had taught them and to pass on his message to all the nations.” (John 20:22, Acts 2)

What is Confirmation?

In the Catholic Church, Confirmation is one of the seven Sacraments. The sacrament of Confirmation continues, strengthens, confirms and celebrates the gifts of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism. 

The Holy Spirit gives a person the spiritual gifts such as wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of God. Like any gift, these spiritual gifts need to be explored and used to build up God’s kingdom of justice, love and mercy in the world.

What happens at Confirmation?

In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the bishop or priest lays his hands on the baptised person and prays that the Holy Spirit will fill the person with spiritual gifts. Then, using holy oil (Oil of Chrism), the bishop or priest  makes a cross on the person’s forehead. It is usual for the person being confirmed to take another name, that of a particular saint. The saint will be a source of inspiration by the way he/she lived life while on earth, and an intercessor in prayer to God.

Sacramental Enrolment form for the candidates from non-catholic schools to attend After School Program. Click below to download

Sacramental Enrolment Form

Commitment form to be filled out and take it to the Church while attending Commitment Mass. Click below to download

Sacramental Commitment Form

Sacramental Timeline for the  next scheduled Sacramental celebrations

2025 Sacramental Timeline Revised

At what age can a person be Confirmed?

In the very early Church, Baptism and Confirmation were usually conferred by the bishop and celebrated together. However, over time, access to bishops became more difficult and Baptism came to be conferred by the local parish priest, so Confirmation began to be celebrated at an older age.

In our parishes, children are usually confirmed at the age of 11 or 12, when they are in the academical level of Year 6.  

Do I need to be Baptised to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?

Yes, only a Baptised person can receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you are not Baptised and wish to be Confirmed, you may receive both Sacraments together depending on your age and personal circumstances. There are preparation programs for all sacraments in the parish. Please contact the parish office for more details.

Do I need to attend any preparation programs?

The person receiving the Sacrament needs to know what this Sacrament is and the purpose of receiving it. In order to be comprehensive about the Sacraments to be received, the person has to be guided by someone who has the knowledge about it. For Year 6 children attending Catholic schools will be prepared by their teachers as part of their curriculum. If a student attending a non-Catholic School wants to receive this Sacrament, has to attend the After School Program run by the Parish. Please visit the page and enroll accordingly.

Is there a date available for next Confirmation?

For the School aged children, the Sacrament of Confirmation being celebrated in the third term which is usually in September each year. Lessons for non-Catholic school children will begin from the first week of the third term. Enrollment must be done prior to the commencement and no enrollment will be accepted once lessons have started. Please visit After School Program page for more information. The Sacramental timeline can be downloaded from the top right corner on this page.

I am an adult. How can I receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?

For any candidate over the primary school age, please visit the page of Rite of Christian Initiation or contact the parish office for further information.

What happens after Confirmation?

Your details will be recorded in the Confirmation register kept in the parish. Your details will also be noted in the Baptism register against your record. If you were Baptised elsewhere, the confirmation details will be sent to the parish where you have been Baptised and it will be recorded there.