Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9.00 am to 4.30 pm)

Planned Giving

Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” 

says the Lord Almighty,

“and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven

and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

(Malachi 3:10)

What is Planned Giving?

It is a system whereby parishioners make a promise or pledge to contribute periodically a certain amount of money to meet the day to day expenses of our parish.  This pledge will be for the year ahead and paid by weekly, fortnightly, monthly or yearly. Either it can be through the envelope system or by Direct Debit. We encourage all parishioners to become a member of this system.

For new donors

If you are not a planned giving contributor yet and wish to become a member to support your parish, Please download a Direct Debit Form from this page and send the completed form to the Parish Office. If you don’t want to set up a direct debit, please complete a pledge form available on this page. One of the authorized personnel from the Parish Office will be in touch with you to discuss it further.

For Existing Members

If you are already a member of the system and wish to keep the same, you don’t need to do anything as it will be automatically renewed for the following year. However please consider a review of your contribution each year due to the rising cost of living and inflation rate. If you wish to change your contribution, please contact the parish office at the earliest quoting your Planned Giving number or Envelope number. Alternatively download a Planned Giving Direct Debit form, fill out the mandatory information and forward it to the parish office to update the information.

Often forget to bring the envelope or can’t get the cash out?

Setting up a direct debit (only for second collection), is the best option for hassle free payments. The Direct Debit forms are available on this page to download for each parish, which you are requested to download, fill out (electronically where possible) and bring it to the parish office for setting up a direct debit.

Am I able to cancel the Direct Debit?

Indeed, you can cancel the Direct Debit at any time, if you are unable to continue your pledge for any personal reasons. Please email your request to the Parish Office quoting your Planned Giving number or your full name. We will take care of the rest. 

Request to Envelope Users

All envelope users are kindly requested to set up a direct debit by next financial year (either before 1st July 2024 or any time afterwards.  It can reduce both the workload of our staff as well as the costs involved in it. We currently live in a world of electronic transactions and cashless and chequeless society. Banks are also closing their branches and ATMs. Therefore we are also compelled to move with the flow now or sooner.

Why there are two Collections every Sunday?


First Collection


The First collection is known as Clergy Remuneration. The first collection of all churches in the diocese goes to the Clergy Remuneration Account to meet the expenses of priests in the diocese to pay their stipend and living expenses. Priests are only supported by this fund contributed by parishioners.


Second Collection

The source of income for our parishes is the great generosity of the people only. The welfare of the Parish and the Parish Priests relies on the contributions of each and every Parishioners. All monies needed to operate the parish effectively, comes from the parishioners through the Planned Giving system and the second collection. It is used for running the parish including wages for staff, liturgy expenses, pastoral care activities, bulletins, water, electricity, telephone, internet, insurance, building maintenance etc.

The post-covid rise in living cost has heavily impacted on our parishes in many ways. The insurance in particular has increased by three times this year due to various reasons.

Can I set up a Direct Debit for the First Collection [Clergy Remuneration]?

Yes, you can. Please contact the Parish Office if you wish to contribute towards First Collection by Direct Debit.